Welcome to Prof. Dongchul Son's Hompage!
For more details of Prof. Dongchul Son's recent research activities please refer to the homepage: chep.knu.ac.kr , for the Center for High Energy Physics (SRC Center of Excellence) where he had served as Director for more than 10 years since 1998.
- Antimatter and Dark Matter Search at the International Space Station with Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) Detector
- 14 TeV proton-proton collision experiment with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) collaboration of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
Running the Tier-2 Center for the CMS experiment under the govermental supports. (Please refer to the homepage http://t2-cms.knu.ac.kr for more details)
- Had carried out several electron-positron colliding experiments at the various highest energies such as CUSB with the 10 GeV Cornell Electron Synchrotron Ring, AMY with 60 GeV TRISTAN at KEK. L3 with the 200 GeV LEP accelerator at CERN in Europe.
- Promoting the 1 TeV International Linear Collider and R&D efforts for the accelerators and detectors
- Had carried out the ZEUS experiment of electron (positron)-proton collisions at the DESY in Hamburg, Germany
- Had carried out the High Energy 350 GeV Neutrino-Deuterium Scattering experiment (E545) at the Fermilab in USA for Ph. D. study searching for Charmed particles
- Had searched for exotic mesons from the pion-proton scattering at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in USA (BNL- E818)
- Worked on issues in relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theories mainly based on group-theoretical methods
- R&D works on Data Grid System, Supercomputing as well as high bandwith networking systems
- etc.
His works can be found on public web sites such as
ResearchGate (by clicking here )
and inSPIREhep.net (by putting " find a Son, D" in the search section of the INSPIREHEP site .)