Welcome to Prof. Dongchul Son's Hompage!
Professor Dongchul Son has
- Carried out several projects based on Information technologies and had campaigns and seminars regarding information society (Since 1994)
- Founded the Korea Cyber Campus with 9 participating universities: Kyungpook NU, Chonnam NU, Kyunghee U, Korea National Open U., Hanyang U, Ewha Womens U., Kyungsung U, Daegu U, Kwangwun U
- Constructed the Daegu Fire Station's Emergency Rescue System as the Principal Project Manager in 1999
- Delivered Special Lectures at the Daegu Science High School, etc.
- Ran Science Creavity Enhancing Camp in lieu of Daegu Dongbu Education Office (Augusts in 2008 and 2009)
- Shared Memorandum of Understading with Daegu Simin High Schhol for Cooperation in Science Focusing High School Projects, Dec. 2009
- Acted as Project Leader of hosting efforts for the Proton Accelerator in Daegu in 1993 and
- Is Promoting the International Linear Collider Project Efforts and in Korea and carried out two planning projects (Since 2003)
- and Promoting the Accelerator Industry as a future Industry in Daegu in 2008
- Newly has made hosting Efforts for the Frontier Medical Complex in Daegu in 2009
- etc.